How to Help Your Dog Beat the Heat

Summers can be brutally hot in Saint Lucie County. We are blessed to have beautiful white sand beaches and a wonderful climate. While our friends up north are shivering in wintertime, we still get to wear shorts and sandals. When summertime rolls around, however, that Florida sunshine can be scorching. For more advice on caring for your pet during the hot months, see the article ‘Summertime Pet Care Tips‘.

Dogs need to beat the heat too, so why not let Fido have some fun doing it? Here are a few suggestions for fun ways to keep your dog cool in summer.

Wading Pools

Many dogs love wading pools, and they needn’t be expensive. Keeping a small pool filled with fresh water will give Fido a spot to cool off and splash around a bit. Just be sure to change the water frequently, as standing water tends to become a breeding ground for mosquitos.

Doggy Ice Cream

Doggy ice cream has become so popular that many grocery stores now carry it. You can also check your favorite pet store to see if they stock frozen treats for your pooch. You can also make your own with just a few ingredients. Check online for recipes; you’ll likely find several.

Dog Beach

Walton Park is a popular dog beach in Saint Lucie County. This off-leash dog beach is located at 6700 S Ocean Dr., Jensen Beach, FL 34957. There are 24 acres of beach for your pooch to play in. Just remember to pick up after him, and bring plenty of fresh water.

Frozen Treats

One simple frozen treat you can make for your pup is to freeze a large glass of water. When the ice is solidified, take it out, and wrap a sock around it, then knot it. Some dogs go ballistic over these. Just don’t give Fido too much ice at once.

Doggie Cafes

Doggie cafes and dog-friendly restaurants are popping up more and more in Florida. Check to see what options are available in or near Saint Lucie County, and take Fido out for a treat!

Safety is first and foremost when it comes to caring for your canine pal during the hottest months. The number one rule would be to never, ever leave your dog in a parked car. You also don’t want to leave Fido outside unless he has access to shade and plenty of fresh water. Older dogs can be more sensitive to heat, so be extra careful if your pooch is in his golden years. Last but not least, be careful not to over-exercise your furry buddy in the heat. For comprehensive health check-ups and care advice, consider ‘Vet Preventive Care’ services from our clinic.

Please visit our site frequently for more articles and tips for caring for your Saint Lucie County dog.

Contact us, your local animal clinic in St. Lucie County, FL!

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