Archives: Blog

  • Grooming a Longhaired Bunny

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    Grooming long-haired rabbits is essential for their health and happiness. These adorable pets, with their luxuriant coats, require regular care to prevent painful matting and to manage shedding. Whether you’re a new owner or looking to refine your technique, understanding the specifics of grooming long-haired rabbits is crucial. This process includes regular brushing, safe trimming, and occasional bathing, all tailored to the needs of these sensitive animals. In this article, “Grooming a Longhaired Bunny,” we’ll … Read More »

  • Choosing the Right Collar for Your Dog

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    If you’ve recently adopted a new dog, one of the first things you’ll need to purchase for your pet is a collar. Every dog needs a good collar, and it’s up to you to find the right one. The question is, how do you know what to choose? There are certainly a lot of options out there. Read on to find out more about choosing the right collar for your canine companion. The Importance of … Read More »

  • 7 Things to Consider Before Adopting an Exotic Cat

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    Have you always dreamed of having an exotic cat, such as a lion or tiger? It sounds great in theory, but in practice, it can be quite different. While you can find exotic cats for sale, you should definitely think twice before buying one. A local vet lists some things to think about below. Price Exotic cats are quite expensive, and can cost thousands of dollars. The exact price will vary on the type of … Read More »

  • Understanding the Puppy Teething Process

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    Aside from protecting the sofa legs from your puppy’s incessant chewing, there’s not a whole lot to do while your new pet is going through the teething process. Knowing the details of teething is a good idea, though. That way, you know what your puppy is going through and when, and you can let your vet know right away if something seems amiss. Newborn Puppies Just like human babies, puppies are born with no teeth. … Read More »

  • Spotlight on Skijoring

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    Do you enjoy skiing? Is your canine buddy super active and athletic? If so, you may be able to take him out on the trail with you. No, we’re not suggesting strapping skis on Fido. Instead, you may want to train him in skiijouring. A local vet offers some tips on this below. Basics Skijoring originated in Scandinavia. The word itself actually translates into ‘ski driving’ in Norwegian. Though it’s now mostly practiced as a … Read More »

  • Start the Year Off Right With Pest Control Measures

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    It’s a new year, and it’s the perfect time to make sure your pets stay pest-free. There are several things you can do to ensure your animal friend doesn’t fall victim to creepy crawlies like fleas, ticks, and parasitic worms, which can sideline your pet’s health in no time at all. Keep up with these pest-control measures all year round, and your pet will have nothing to worry about. Use Preventative Medications Veterinarians recommend keeping … Read More »

  • DIY Things Your Kids Can Make for Fido

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    As the holidays approach, many people are busy picking out gifts for their loved ones. Of course, many people also have their young ones at home this year. Our canine patients are thrilled about this. Why not have the kids make something for Fido? A local vet offers some suggestions in this article. Treats If there’s one thing that is appropriate for dogs of all shapes, sizes, and colors, it’s snacks. Have the kids do … Read More »

  • Is Your Cat Licking Herself Too Much?

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    If you own a cat, you’ll notice that she licks herself frequently. Cats spend a lot of time grooming themselves by licking, so this behavior in and of itself isn’t abnormal. But it’s possible for a cat to lick herself too much—this is known in the veterinary world as overgrooming. Read on to find out more from your local veterinarian. What Counts as Overgrooming? Since cats spend somewhere between 25 and 50 percent of their … Read More »

  • Introducing Wolfenoot

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    There’s a new holiday on the calendar that has the puparazzi jumping for joy. Joining the ranks of such adorable celebrations as Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day and If Pets Had Thumbs Day, we have Wolfenoot, a celebration of wolves, dogs, and anyone who has been kind to them. A local vet offers an introduction to this new doggy holiday in this article. History Wolfenoot hasn’t been around very long, but it’s already made quite … Read More »

  • Why Do Cats Like to Sleep So Much?

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    Cats come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and personalities, but they share one thing in common: they love sleeping. In fact, cats sleep on average around 15 hours per day, and can even sleep up to 20 hours in a single 24-hour period. That’s a lot of slumber for your feline friend! You might wonder why your cat rests so much—read on to find out more about your cat’s sleeping habits. Why Cats Sleep … Read More »