Archives: Blog

  • 5 Reasons Your Dog May Be Barking

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    Is your canine buddy on the talkative side? Just like people, dogs all have their own personalities. Some pooches are usually quiet, and only bark to let you know there’s someone at the door. Others will speak up about, well, pretty much everything, from the moth in the kitchen to the neighbor trimming his yard. Why does Fido talk so much? A vet offers a few possible reasons below. Loneliness Dogs are very sociable, and … Read More »

  • Choosing a Pet Sitter

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    Are you considering hiring a pet sitter to look after your animal companion while you’re away from home? There are many great reasons to hire a sitter—your pet will be able to remain in comfortable, familiar surrounds until you’re back home, and a sitter can even take care of grooming appointments or veterinary visits while you’re away. If you’re looking for a reliable option for your pet’s care while you’re away, consider our Pet Boarding … Read More »

  • Signs of Heat Exhaustion in Cats

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    Heat exhaustion in cats is a serious condition that can occur when their body overheats, usually due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures or insufficient hydration. Understanding the signs of heat exhaustion in cats is critical to ensuring their safety, especially during hot weather. Cats, with their thick fur and limited ability to cool down through sweating, are particularly vulnerable. Some of the early signs to watch for include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and restlessness. … Read More »

  • Beware of Summertime Pests

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    Summertime can be a welcome break from chilly days and indoor confinement, but warm weather often invites unwelcome visitors to our homes and outdoor spaces. If you want to enjoy the season without the annoyance of crawling or buzzing intruders, it’s crucial to be aware of summertime pests. Mosquitoes, flies, ants, and ticks thrive in hot, humid conditions, carrying diseases and triggering allergic reactions. They invade picnics, camping trips, and backyard gatherings, causing serious health … Read More »

  • Meet The AKC’s Newest Breed: The Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen

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    Have you heard of the Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen? The answer to that question may very well be no. This isn’t surprising: there are actually only about 400 in the US, and likely a similar number in Canada. These cute pups were recently added to the ranks of the AKC’s officially recognized breeds. Joining the Hound Group, the Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen—or GBGV for short—was recognized January 1, 2018, along with another adorable pooch, the … Read More »

  • Summertime Pet Care Tips

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    As the weather heats up, many of us will cool off on hot days by going for a swim or, perhaps, enjoying a cold treat. Pets can also get miserably hot on sweltering days! Read on for some great summer pet care tips from a local vet. Water First things first: make sure that your furry buddy always has plenty of fresh, clean water. We also recommend washing your pet’s bowl every day, to make … Read More »

  • Disaster Preparedness Tips for Pet Owners

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    It’s no fun to think about a disaster situation affecting you, your family, or your pets, and we certainly hope that you never have to face one. With that being said, your best course of action in the event of an emergency is to be prepared ahead of time! Below, learn about some tips on disaster preparedness that can help your pet stay safe. Identify Your Pet Geological events, wildfires, severe storms, chemical accidents or … Read More »

  • All About Hairballs

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    Hairballs in cats are a common issue that many pet owners encounter, but what exactly causes them? Hairballs, medically known as trichobezoars, occur when cats groom themselves and ingest loose fur. While most of this hair passes through their digestive system, some of it can accumulate in the stomach, forming a hairball. Cats then cough or vomit up these hairballs, which is often alarming for pet owners. Although it’s a natural process, frequent hairballs can … Read More »

  • Your Dog’s Nutritional Needs

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    Dogs rely on a balanced, nutrient-rich diet to stay active, maintain weight, and thrive in every stage of life. According to leading research in animal science, a dog’s diet should combine high-quality proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals to ensure peak performance and overall well-being. Proper dog nutrition isn’t just about filling the food bowl; it involves understanding your pet’s breed, age, lifestyle, and health status. This article explores the fundamental elements of canine dietary … Read More »

  • Guinness World Cat Records

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    Have you read the Guinness Book of World Records lately? This classic tome is full of fascinating facts and tidbits about the champions of…pretty much everything, and the latest edition was recently published. Our feline friends haven’t been left out! While some categories—such as champion napper and cutest cat—may be too close to call, kitties have claimed some very distinctive records. In fact, there are many surprising things to learn about our furry companions. Check … Read More »