Today may be one of Fido’s favorite doggy holidays: it’s Do Lunch With Your Dog Day! Quite a few restaurants and cafes welcome our canine companions … of course, with the caveat that the pups are friendly and well-behaved. A veterinarian offers some tips on taking your furry bff out to eat in this article. Finding Your Spot Many places with patios or other outdoor seating welcome dogs in those areas, allowing Fido to dine … Read More
Archives: Blog
Dog Anxiety Awareness Week Is May 1st to May 7th!
May 1st to May 7th marks the start of dog anxiety awareness week! For those who don’t know, this is an annual event that aims to educate people on how common and serious dog anxiety can be. It’s also meant to help owners learn more about dog anxiety so that they can better understand their pets and what they need in order to thrive. Read on as a local vet talks about dog anxiety and … Read More
Crazy Cat Lady Day
April 19th is Crazy Cat Lady Day! We probably don’t have to explain this one too much … or do we? The crazy cat lady myths may go back further than you expect! The Myth As you may know, cats were looked on with fear and suspicion during the Dark Ages, when they were associated with witchcraft. Many accused witches had pet cats, which were often suspected of being familiars. Later on, Fluffy formed a … Read More
Why Is My Dog’s Paw Pad Swollen?
If you notice that your dog’s paw pads are swollen, it could be a sign of something serious. But before you panic and rush your pup to the vet, it’s important to determine if there is an underlying medical problem causing those puffy paws. Read on as a local vet talks about some common causes of swollen paw pads in dogs. A Splinter Splinters can be painful, but they’re also dangerous if they cause an … Read More
National Catio Day
March 15th is National Catio Day! This is one holiday we know our feline patients would approve of. (Granted, Fluffy may show her appreciation in some rather odd ways, but that’s another topic.) As you may know, we always advise keeping kitties inside. Catios are a great way to let your pet enjoy some fresh air and sunshine without the risks. A local vet discusses Fluffy’s outdoor kitty pad in this article. Benefits Of Catios … Read More
How Do You Know If Your Dog Is Allergic to Spring?
Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. Your lawn will be green and lush, the birds will be chirping, and the flowers will bloom. But spring can also be a time of sickness for your dog! Dogs get allergies like humans do, and they can have allergic reactions to all sorts of things in their environment. Read on as a local vet discusses some common signs that Fido may be having an allergic reaction … Read More
Is It Better to Adopt or Buy a Dog?
Some people have strong feelings about whether it’s better to adopt or buy a dog. Some people prefer to buy dogs from breeders and other people prefer to adopt dogs from shelters. There are also some people who feel that neither of these options is right or wrong, but rather that each person should decide for themselves which is best for them. If you’re trying to decide what is best for you, read on as … Read More
Canine Flu
Canine influenza, commonly referred to as dog flu, is a highly contagious respiratory disease that poses a significant health risk to dogs across the United States. This viral illness, which can be caused by two primary strains, H3N8 and H3N2, leads to symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Infected dogs may exhibit signs such as coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, lethargy, and loss of appetite. While most dogs recover without complications, young puppies, elderly dogs, and … Read More
Blepping In Cats
Have you ever spotted your cat just sitting there with her tongue sticking out? This is officially called blepping, and is definitely adorable to see. Of course, given how complex and unique our feline pals are, you may be wondering if this is a sign that something is wrong, or just another one of Fluffy’s many adorable (and purrplexing) quirks. A local vet discusses blepping in this article. Behind The Blep There are actually a … Read More
Fluffy’s Year In Review
Happy New Year! As we say goodbye to 2022, many people will be looking back over the last 12 months, and ruminating on various high and low points. Actually, our feline pals also have a few things worth recapping. A local vet lists some of them below. Dave Finds A Home The World Cup has gone to the cats! This year, two British players made headlines after befriending a stray cat at their training camp … Read More