Archives: Blog

  • July 31st Is National Mutt Day

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    Happy National Mutt Day! On the 31st of this month we celebrate all the wonderful things about mixed-breed dogs. Mutts or mixed breed dogs are adorable and loyal, and they have their own unique personalities. If you’re considering adding a dog to your apartment life, you might wonder, “What Dog Is Best for an Apartment?” Discover some ideal breeds for apartment living by reading our article. Read on as a vet talks about National Mutt … Read More »

  • How to Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer

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    So you’ve got a dog. And now you’re wondering how to keep your dog cool in the summer. If you’re anything like us, you want your pet to be as comfortable and happy as possible. And who doesn’t want their pet to be happy? There are a lot of things that can affect your dog’s comfort level in the summertime. The temperature, humidity, and wind all have a big impact on how hot (or cold) … Read More »

  • 7 Ways To Keep Your Pet From Getting Lost

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    It’s Lost Pet Prevention Month! This is an important topic, if a sad one. As many as one in three pets are lost or stolen at some point over the course of their lives. That’s a pretty sobering statistic. While we hope all of our patients are safe and sound at home, this is one area where it definitely pays to take some precautions. Here, a vet lists some ways to keep your beloved pet … Read More »

  • Cat Care 101: Fluffy’s Basic Needs

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    Cats are extremely popular pets. One reason for that is because they are very easy keepers. In fact, out of all of the animals we’ve domesticated, Fluffy may very well be the most independent. That doesn’t mean your kitty is entirely self-sufficient, though. A local vet lists some of the things your furry pal requires in this article. Food Proper nutrition is the foundation of any good pet care routine. While buying Fluffy’s food isn’t … Read More »

  • Is Fostering Pets Right For You?

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    May is National Foster Care Month! Many of our furry patients are former fosters, or foster fails. Fostering fills a crucial gap for pets that need growth, healing, training, and/or socialization before they can be put up for adoption. If you’re an animal lover, you may want to consider fostering. This can be a very rewarding and enriching experience! Of course, this isn’t going to be right for everyone. A vet lists some things to … Read More »

  • Popular Plants That Are Toxic To Cats

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    Have you ever brought a plant home, only to find your feline buddy immediately started gnawing on its leaves? Cats are carnivores, but they do enjoy some greens and fiber now and then. Unfortunately, kitties don’t know what is and isn’t safe for them. Quite a few popular houseplants are actually toxic to Fluffy. A local vet lists a few plants for cat owners to avoid in this article. While it’s important to be aware … Read More »

  • Dog Bite Prevention Tips

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    Dog Bite Prevention Week starts April 10th. This is a very important topic! According to the CDC, there are about 4.5 million dog bites in the US every year. That works out to about 1 out of every 73 people! Because many of these bites could have been avoided, this is one area where an ounce of prevention is worth several pounds of cure. A local vet lists some ways to prevent dog bites below. … Read More »

  • Signs Of Arthritis In Cats

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    Just like people, cats can be prone to developing arthritis as they age. This painful condition develops when the tendons and ligaments that cushion and connect Fluffy’s bones get worn out. Over time, they can thin and lose elasticity, causing a lot of pain and discomfort. While arthritis isn’t curable, it can be managed. However, treatments may be more successful if the issue is caught and addressed early. Here are some signs to watch for: … Read More »

  • Pica In Dogs

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    Pica in dogs is a perplexing yet increasingly recognized behavior that involves the persistent ingestion of non-food substances, such as rocks, socks, or even dirt. This odd habit can stem from a range of factors, including underlying medical conditions, stress, boredom, or dietary imbalances. Studies suggest that pica occurs in dogs of all breeds and ages, making it important for owners to stay informed about the possible health risks. When left unaddressed, consuming foreign objects … Read More »

  • Cute Cat Breeds You Probably Never Heard Of

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    Did you know that there are a few organizations dedicated to cat breeds? Interestingly, they differ on how many breeds they recognize.The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) allows 44, while The International Cat Association recognizes 71. They’re all pretty adorable! In this article, a local vet introduces a few you may not be familiar with. Highlander A cross between the Desert Lynx and the Jungle Curl, the Highlander first clawed her way into our hearts back … Read More »