You’ve just returned from a vet visit where your pet was prescribed a pill regimen. Now the question becomes, how do you administer the pill? Find out how from a St. Lucie County veterinarian below. For a proactive approach to maintaining your pet’s health, consider using ‘Vet Preventive Care’ services.
Hide the Pill
You may be able to hide your pet’s pill in a ball of food, and feed it to him without him ever realizing he took any medicine! Try inserting the pill into a clump of food and hand-feeding it to your cat or dog, or simply slipping the pill into the food dish. If your pet doesn’t detect it, this may be easiest way to go about administering medicine. Check with your veterinarian to make sure the medication is safe to take with food.
Crush the Pill
If your pet refuses to eat food with a pill in it, you may be able to crush the pill up and sprinkle it over the food, or stir it into the food so it disappears. Take two spoons or even a hammer and crush the pill up into a fine powder. Stir it into your pet’s normal food or sprinkle it over the top and see if he’ll partake.
Before trying this method, ALWAYS check with your veterinarian to make sure crushing is safe for the particular medication you’re using. Some medicines can’t be crushed up, either because they won’t be effective that way or because it will release too much of the dose all at once.
Manually Administer the Pill
If the above methods don’t work, you’ll have to insert the pill into your pet’s mouth yourself. Wrap your pet in a blanket for security and safety. With one hand holding the pill, take the other hand and open your pet’s jaws. It may be best to do this when your pet is sleepy to have the easiest time of it. When your pet’s mouth is open, take your other hand and place the pill inside, trying to get it as far back in the throat as possible. Close the animal’s jaws and massage the throat in a downward motion, encouraging him to swallow. For more tips on administering medication and caring for pets, including chinchillas, check out ‘Chinchilla Care Tips From A Treasure Coast, FL Veterinarian.
If you still need help, contact your St. Lucie County veterinarian for more advice.